Declutter – Your Path to a Cleaner Home and Office
Do we live with clutter because we accept it as inevitable? Do we walk by some clutter every day, which is a way of accepting the clutter? Walking by it or accepting clutter daily, we give credence to the clutter.
Finding Balance When You’re Stressed and Busy
Everything does not need perfection. Live by the 80-20 rule, where you identify the 20% of work that yields 80% of the results, and focus mainly on what’s important, letting the rest slip if necessary.
Home Cleaning Tips
House cleaning can feel like a full-time job for any busy professional. No sooner have you finished cleaning one area then you need to tidy up someplace else. You are trying to run a household while participating in many other activities.
Create Cleaning Habits
There was a problem at the airport. Men were missing the urinals. This created a need to increase the cleaning budget to keep the bathrooms clean. The cleaning department decided to try an experiment and created a small sticker that looked like a fly.
Seek First To Understand
Dr. Stephen Covey has noted the following:
“If I were to summarize in one sentence the single most important principle I have learned in the field of interpersonal relations, it would be this: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
Think Win-Win
“When one side benefits more than the other, that’s a win-lose situation. To the winner, it might look like success for a while, but in the long run, it breeds resentment and distrust.”
Dr. Stephen R. Covey
A Clean Vision gives us some example as this habit could be applied to home cleaning.
Put First Things First
Habit #3 - Cleaning Your Home Curated ContentHabit number three is putting first things first. You define the things that have the most value to you. First things are what you value the most. Habit number three is about time management and life management. You define...
Be Proactive
Habit #1 - Cleaning Your Home Curated ContentThis Cleaning Company - A Clean Vision - has done a series on Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People but have applied the ideas of this famous book to home cleaning.This is very clever and also very...
Begin with the End In Mind
Habit #2 - Cleaning Your Home Curated ContentBegin with the End in Mind means to think out the result – envision specifically and clearly how you want things to look in your thoroughly cleaned and organized room or area. Forming a clear vision of your desired outcome...